Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hudson Aug-5

The Hudson river was very busy today for a Tuesday. ARO had a 4 boat trip down the river. The level was 3.7 and dropping. I had a crew of 7 in my raft. One family of five and another couple. The family of five was from new jersey but the father was originally from Rome NY. the other couple, they were from Switzerland. The guy wasn't used to being told what to do so I kinda let him do his own thing the whole trip. I also knocked him outta the raft just feet above Chucks hole. He pulled back in before the drop however. The only other notable event besides a pleasant day on the River was Surfing the third hole in mile long. It was a good surf...nothing like the Cruncher... but it was nice. I will be back on the water Thursday but probably working for another outfitter as ARO has only a small trip. Hopefully we get more rain to bring the Rivers up more and add some adventure back into the trip!

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